Norfolk: Wymondham
1713 Executions
This has been found by the Norfolk transcribers for FreeREG, in the
Wymondham Baptism Register for 1713-1758.
[Transcription copyright © Brian Foulger]
That on Friday the 3d of October 1712. Mr James Pointer
living alone on Silfield Common, was robbed and
barbarously murdered in his house by ROBERT BARRET
of Saterly in Suffolk and WILLIAM BOUGHTON of Hardwick
in Norfolk. who being apprehended, were both executed
for the same, on Aprill the 1st 1713. on a Gallows erected
for the purpose in the Market place in Wymondham,
and the same day hung in chains on a Gibbet on
Norwich Common on the West side of the high way leading
to Hetherstet [sic] from Wymondam about a mile and an
half distance from the body of the said Town of Wymondham
where their Carcassess now remain in Terrorem.
February the 15. 1713/14
Geo. Taylor Vicar
See also the Wymondham parish page.
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