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Norfolk: Wicklewood

William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1864

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

The description of the parish has not been transcribed because it is similiar to that in White's Directories for 1845 and 1883.

These are the names in the text that are not included in the list of residents and tradespeople, below:

	Darbie    Rev. M.B., M.A.
	Percy     A.C.H., Esq.
	Wodehouse Lord

There are memorials in the church to the Colman and Stone families.

This is the list of the tradespeople and the most prominent residents.

	Acton     Rev. William, B.A.  vicar, Vicarage
	Clarke    My. Ann             schoolmistress, Wrkhouse [sic]
	Culpitt   Saml.               tailor
	Goodchild Hannah              matron, Workhouse
	Gowen     Robt. Smith         master, Workhouse
	Hall      Thomas              baker
	Head      Robert William      brickmaker
	Lee       Alfred              schoolmaster, Workhouse
	Mann      Richd.              bricklayer & beer retailer
	Mann      William             joiner and carpenter
	Shorney   Emma                mistress, Natl. School
	Spinks    James               victualler, Wild Man

	   BEERHOUSES.                   CORN MILLERS.

	Buck      Henry               Mallett   John
	Ellis     John                Mann      Samuel

	   BLACKSMITHS.                  BOOT & SHOEMAKRS.

	Buck      Henry               Semmence  John
	Buck      Philip              Weston    Jno. & Edw.
	Dawes     Samuel


	Barker    William             Rix       William
	Browne    George              Roe       Simon
	Cann      James               Rowing    Archibald
	Garth     James               Scott     William
	Greenwood Mattw. (&           Tillett   John P.
	            cattle dealer)    Tutthill  William
	Kirk      James               Wade      Christmas
	Knivett   Charles             Weston    G. (Exors)
	Norton    John (and           Wilkinson John
	            parish clerk)     Wrigglesworth Wm. (&
	Office    William                         cattle dealer)
	Poll      James               Youngman  John

	   GARDENERS.                    SHOPKEEPERS.

	Blyth     Jonathan            Mann      Emma
	Lane      Franklin            Livock    William (&

See also the Wicklewood parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
July 2007