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Norfolk: East Tuddenham

1810 Parochial Census

This document shows the heads of households, with the number of residents in each household, how many could read and how many Bibles and Testaments there were. There is no other information, such as the names of other family members or their ages. The original is held by the Norfolk Record Office (NRO). The reference is PD 447/98.

[Description and transcription copyright © Bonnie Ostler]

There are a total of 296 people in 62 households. This would appear to be about half of the parish. The 1841 Census shows a total of 556 people in 119 houses, and it divides the parish into two sections. North of the high road from Mattishall to Norwich there were 267 residents inhabiting 55 houses. South of the high road there were 289 residents inhabiting 64 houses.

The Census shows the head of each household, the number of inhabitants in the household (in round brackets), how many could read [in square brackets], and the number of Bibles and Testaments in the household.

It was apparently taken to find out how many residents were literate and how many households had a Bible or Testament.

John Thurling (7) [3] 1 Bible, Thomas Thwaytes (4) [4] 1 Bible & 2 Testaments, William Baity (3) [none] ----, Thomas Johnson (7) [3] 2 Testaments, Robert Rudd (6) [none] ---, Henry Claxton (7) [2] 2 Testaments, Thomas Norton (9) [2 children] 2 Testaments, John Rumble (7) [a child] 1 Testament, Robert Haylett (4) [the wife] 1 Testament, John Tylney (7) [4] 1 Bible, Robert Basey (3) [none] -----, Widow Clarke (2) [none] ----, Robert Woods (3) [----] ------, John Woods (3) [the girl] 1 Testament, Wm Brand (3) [1] -----, John Rackham (2) [1] 1 Bible & 1 Testament, John Harvey (8) [4] a small print & 3 Testaments, Henry Sapey (7) [none] ----, Francis Wells (7) [none] -----, Henry Durrant (4) [1] 1 Bible & 1 Testament, John Tooley (5) [3] 1 Bible & 5 Testaments, Samuel Barber (3) [1] -----, Robert Littleboy (8) [none] ------, Amy Woods (3) [1] ------, Widow Dalliday (3) [none] -----, Widow Johnson (1) [none] -----, Thomas Johnson (1) [none] -----, Jonath. Webster (6) [none] -----, John Leach (3) [3] 2 Bibles & 1 Testament, Widow Browne (6) [5] 1 Bible & 1 Testament, Samuel Basey (5) [2 children] 1 Testament, Widow Basey (4) [3] 1 Testament, Thomas Cursons (4) [none] ----, George Harvey (5) [none] ----, Benjamin Carpenter (2) [1] 1 Testament, William Elmer (5) [1] 1 Bible & 1 Testament, John Ward (4) [1 child learning) -----, John Smith (4) [3] 1 Bible & 2 Testaments, Joseph Smith (5) [3] 1 Bible & 1 Testament, Thomas Smith (5) [none] ------, John Shearing (5) [2] 1 Bible & Testaments, Benjamin Blythe (2) [1] 1 Testament wishes to exchange her prayer book for one of a larger print, John Chapman (5) [1] 1 Testament, Widow Garner (8) [1] 1 Bible, Charles Harrison (2) [1] 1 Testament, Stephen Turner (5) [none] ----, Thomas Turner (2)[none] ----, Thomas Frost (2) [2] 1 Testament, Thomas Thaine (8) [1] 1 Testament, Charles Rix (3) [none] ----, Jabez Ebbets (4) [1] 1 Bible, John Hipkin (8) [3] ----, Francis Webster (3) [none] ----, William Mace (3) [2] 2 Testaments, Peter Stimpson (7) [none] ----, William Spauls (5) [3] 1 Bible & 1 Testament, Charles Spauls (6) [1] ----, Daniel Howard (5) [----] ------, Erasmus Baynes (6) [4] 1 Testament, William Lynn (7) [none] ------, William Curson (5) [none] -----, Dinah Bushell (3) [none] ------, Richard Claxton (7) [4] 1 very old & imperfect Bible & 2 Testaments

See also the East Tuddenham parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
April 2000