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Norfolk: Morley St Botolph

William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1883

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

MORLEY St. BOTOLPH, a parish 3 miles W.S.W. of Wymondham, is in Forehoe hundred, petty sessional division and incorporation, Wymondham county court district, Norwich bankruptcy district, Wymondham polling district of South Norfolk, Hingham rural deanery, and Norfolk archdeaconry. It had 283 inhabitants in 1881, living on 819 acres of land, and has a rateable value of £1546 10s. Most of the parish belongs to William M. Sutton, Esq., Manor House, and lying in the manor of Shadwells, or Cockerills in Morley. Mrs. J.B. Graver Browne owns part of the parish.

The CHURCH is a neat structure, chiefly in the Perpendicular style, comprising nave, chancel, south porch, and massive square tower with three bells. The chancel was rebuilt in 1879, by the rector, and refurnished in memory of the late rector, the Rev. C. Beauchamp Cooper. The east window is plain Decorated, and contains some stained glass.

The living is a rectory, valued in the King's Book at £14. 11s. 5½d., and has the chapelry of Morley St. Peter annexed to it, in the patronage and incumbency of the Rev. Frederick Blackett de Chair, M.A. The tithes of the two parishes were commuted in 1840 for £580 per annum. The rector rebuilt part of the rectory-house in 1879.

The NATIONAL SCHOOL, with residence attached, is a pretty brick and flint structure, erected by Miss Morse in 1847, and attended by about 70 children. In 1732, Elizabeth Browne left the yearly rent-charges of £5 for schooling ten poor children, and £3 for providing them with books and clothing; and Miss Morse in 1847 gave a piece of land to the school, which is now let for £1 a year.

The Fuel Allotment, 16 acres, was awarded at the enclosure in 1815, and is let for £32, which is distributed in coals in the two parishes of Morley.

In 1847, a number of brass Roman coins was found here in digging a drain. They were mostly of Constantine, and some of Licinus, but many of them were in such a state of decomposition that they crumbled to dust in the act of removing.

POST OFFICE Letter-Box cleared at 6 p.m. viâ Wymondham.

	Blazey     Mrs Mary          shopkeeper
	Chaplin    Geo.              fmr. & owner; h Norwich
	Clarke     Chas.             miller and farmer
	Cunningham John              farmer
	De Chair   Rev. Frederick
	             Blackett, M.A.  the Rectory
	Flint      Robert            machinist
	Hardiment  Elijah            farmer
	Lake       Wm.               woodman to El. of Kimberley
	Lovett     James             bricklayer
	Norman     Mrs Fanny
	Patrick    Robert            farmer
	Potter     Mrs Allan         farmer
	Ringer     George            farmer
	Smith Bros.                  wheelwrights, carpenters
	                               and blacksmiths
	Smith      Charles           (S. Bros.)
	Smith      Wm.               (S. Bros.) & shopkeeper
	Smith      William, senr.    shoemaker
	Sutton     Mrs Lousia [sic]  The Lodge
	Sutton     William M.        farmer and owner, Manor house
	Turner     Wm.               vict. The Wool Pack
	Wigby      James             farmer
	Wright     George            tailor

CARRIERS. - John Dye, between Rockland and Norwich, Wed. and Sat.; John Rayner, between Rockland and Norwich, Wed. and Sat.

See also the Morley St Botolph parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
March 2016