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Norfolk: Lingwood

See Norfolk Parish Links for more information about this parish.
What's New in Genuki Norfolk.
Lingwood is about 8 miles E. of Norwich.


See Norfolk Parish Links: Cemeteries


See also Norfolk Parish Links: Censuses

Church Directories

Church History

Church of St Peter
Description and pictures.
Church of St Peter
Minister, location, picture, events, history, etc.
Methodist Church
Minister, services, picture, etc.
Follow the link to the home page, then search for the church.

Church Records

These are not included in Boyd's Marriage Index or Phillimore's Marriage Registers.
See also Norfolk Parish Links: Church Records

Civil Registration

For the civil registration of births, marriages and deaths between 1837 and 1930 (and for the censuses from 1851 to 1901), Lingwood was in Blofield Registration District.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Civil Registration

Description and Travel

See Norfolk Parish Links: Description and Travel


See also Norfolk Parish Links: Directories

Historical Geography

Lingwood is in Blofield Hundred.
Parish outline and location.
See Parish Map for Blofield Hundred
Description of Blofield Hundred
1845: White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk

Land and Property

Kelly, Geoffrey Ian
Lingwood Manor: historical notes.
[Typescript in Norwich Local Studies Library, 1990]
See Moulton St Mary.
See also Norfolk Parish Links: Land and Property


Modern and Historical Maps
Maps of the parish.

Military Records

Roll of Honour
World Wars 1 and 2.
See also Norfolk Parish Links: Military Records

Poorhouses, Poor Law, etc

After 1834 Lingwood became part of the Blofield Union, and the workhouse was in this parish.

Blofield Union
Parishes in the union, their arrangements for the poor before 1834, etc.
Blofield Union and Workhouse
Description from White's Directory of Norfolk, 1845.
Blofield Union and Workhouse
Description and pictures.
Guardians of the Blofield Union
October 1835 to March 1836.
Serreau, Audrey
Times and Years: A History of the Blofield Union Workhouse at Lingwood in Norfolk.
[ISBN 0948903937, Bungay, Morrow and Co, 2000]


These figures are from the population tables which were produced after the 10-yearly national censuses. The "Families" heading includes families and single occupiers.

Year   Inhabited
Families Population
Year   Inhabited
Families Population

There may be more people living in detached parts of the parish (if there were any) and, if so, the number may or may not be included in the figures above. It is quite difficult to be sure from the population tables.

1821 Census
"An inclosure of land, and small tenements built thereon, is mentioned, in the Return of Lingwood, as having caused an increase of Population".
1851 Census
"The Return includes 102 persons in 1841, and 135 in 1851, in the Blofield Union Workhouse".
1911 Census
The total included 95 people in the workhouse.

Voting Registers

See Norfolk Parish Links: Voting Registers

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If you use this information in your research, please say that it is from Genuki Norfolk.

Copyright © Pat Newby.
February 2008