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Norfolk: Kimberley

Population: 1831

This 1831 Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference PD 322/11] is on one sheet of paper. It is not on the standard printed form but laid out in the same manner and contains only statistics ie. no names.

It contains the following information :-
Overseers Account of the Population of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Kimberley. Taken in the year 1831 by Mr Willm Bayes and Mr Thos Matthews.

Hundred of Forehoe in the County of Norfolk.

 1.| Inhabited Houses. ___________________________________   26
   | Families.         ___________________________________   27
 2.| House building.   ___________________________________  None
 3.| Houses uninhabited. _________________________________  None
 4.| Fa  { Employed in Agriculture _______________________   21
   | mi  { In Trade,Manufacture, &c. _____________________    6
   | lies{ All other Families.   _________________________  None
 5.|            {______________________________________________
   |   Males    {______________________________________________ 
   |            {________________________________________    69
   |            {______________________________________________
   | Females    {______________________________________________
   |            {________________________________________    69
   |                                                  Total 138
 6.| Males upwards of 20 years ____________________________  45
 7.| Agric   { Occupiers 1st Class.________________________   7
   | ulture. { Occupiers 2nd Class.________________________   2 (N.B. These men
                                    being tradesmen are again entered under Q9.)
   |         { Labourers in Agriculture.___________________  28
 8.| Manufacturers.________________________________________ None
 9.| Retail Trade and Handicraft___________________________  14
10.| Wholesale & Capitalists, Clergy, Office - Clerks, }
   | Professional, and other Educated Men              }_____ None
11.| Labourers, not Agricultural.____________________________ None
12.| All other Males of 20 Years.____________________________ None
13.| Male      { Upwards of 20 Years.________________________  6
   | Servants  { Under 20 Years._____________________________  3
   | All Female Servants.____________________________________  7
14.|                                                          None
15.|    1821 Census not to be found - Enumerator Deceased
16.|    None

In 1811 81 Males
in 1821 77 Males

in 1811 68 Females
in 1821 68 Females

in 1811 149 Total
in 1821 145 Total

Decrease to 1831
in 10 years 7

[End of Document]

See also the Kimberley parish page and the main Population page

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
January 2007