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Norfolk: Hempnall

William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1845

[Transcription copyright © Ann Duncan]

HEMPNALL, a large scattered village, 9 miles S. Norwich, and 7 miles N.W. of Bungay, has in its parish 1255 souls, and 3583 acres of land, belonging to many proprietors, and lying mostly in J. T. Mott, Esq.'s manor of Hempnall and Canons, and partly in W. F. Irby, Esq.'s manor of Boyland-cum-Fritton.

J. T. Mott, Esq., owns a great part of the soil, and is impropriator of the rectory, and patron of the vicarage, valued in the King's Book at £6. 13s. 4d., and in 1831, at £370, in the incumbency of the Rev. Robt. Rolfe, M.A. (See page 374 [which is the entry for Cockley Cley].) Here are 40 acres of glebe, and the tithes were commuted, in 1839, the rectorial for £452, and the vicarial for £287 per annum.

The Church (St. Margaret,) is a large structure, with a square tower and one bell.

A fair is held here on Dec. 11th, for hogs and pedlery.

The Town Lands, which have been held in trust from a period earlier than the reign of Elizabeth, for paying the tenths, fifteenths, and other taxes, and for the relief of the poor, consist of about 50A., let for about £80 a year, which is applied, as far as needed, in the service of the church, and the residue is carried to the poor-rates; but all the rent of the land called Barbers (22A.) ought to be distributed in charity to the poor, after the payment of 13s. 4d. for the leet fee, according to the trusts declared in a deed of the 15th of Elizabeth.

The poor have a yearly rent-charge of 10s., left by Robt. Row, in 1662, and another of 3s. 4d., given by an unknown donor. Part of the Town Lands were exchanged at the enclosure, in 1817.

	 Barnes     Thomas            cooper
	 Bullen     Benj.             watch & clock maker
	 Cockerill  Edwd.             vict. King's Head
	 D'Oyley    John              gentleman
	 Dunn       Benj.             plumber, painter, &c
	 Edge       James             fireman
	 Ellis      Wm.               veterinary surgeon
	 Elsey      John              wheelwright & beerhs	
	 Hardwicke  Heynes            surgeon
	 Hickling   James             saddler
	 Hobart     Phoebe            vict. Swan Inn
	 Johnson    Maria             plumber & painter
	 King       Samuel            basket maker
	 Lewell     Daniel            beerseller
	 Palmer     Philemon          joiner
	 Read       Jonathan          joiner & wheelwgt
	 Read       Wm. & Samuel      bricklayers
	 Redgrave   Mrs.
	 Richards   Mrs. Jane
	 Richards   Wm.               butcher
	 Roberts    John              vict. Queen's Head
	 Roberts    Jno.              hoop mkr. & woodman
	 Roberts    James             wheelwright
	 Roberts    Wm. & James       beer houses
	 Rolfe      Rev Robert R.,    curate
	 Yallop     Isaac             schoolmaster


	 Drane      Nathan
	 Garrard    John
	 Lansdell   Richd.

	    Boot & Shoe Mkrs.

	 Buck       James
	 Freston    George
	 Goose      Thomas
	 Laskey     Henry
	 Smith      Robert

	    Corn Millers.

	 Baxter     Robert
	 Robinson   Abm.
	 Thirkettle Wm.

	                * are Owners.

	 Arnell     Wm.             *Parker     Nathl.
	 Caisey     John            *Paul       Robert
	 Cooper     Benj.           *Read       Wm.
	 Cunningham Rt.              Richards   Wm.
	 D'Oyley    Henry            Riches     Robert
	 Dordery    Wm.              Roberts    Roger
	 Ellis      Wm. & Benj.      Scarnell   L.
	 Fairhead   James            Skinner    John
	*Hipperson  John             Spink      Edward
	 Howlett    Henry            Sporle     Robert
	 Hylton     Robert           Thrower    Alfred
	 Jennery    J.               Todd       John
	 Mann       George           Turrell    Edmund
	 Middleton  Wm.             *Warmoll    Edw.
	*Meek       Edward          *Webb       Joseph
	*Moore      Charles          White      Mrs.
	*Nash       John             Wootton    Robert
	 Parker     Henry

	    Grocers, &c.

	 Bouttell   Thomas
	 Freston    George
	 Hylton     Richard
	 Morris     Robert
	 Rumball    Jn. Geo.
	 Stammers   Wm.
	 Thirkettle Eliz.

	    Tailors, &c.

	 Jermy      John
	 Kennedy    John
	 Neeve      William           and glover

Wm. Leggett and Jas. Thrower, to Norwich, Wed. & Sat.
See also the Hempnall parish page.

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April 2001