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Norfolk: Hackford (near Wymondham)

William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1864

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

The description of the parish has not been transcribed because it is similiar to that in White's Directories for 1845 and 1883.

These are the names in the text that are not included in the list of residents and tradespeople, below:

	Darby     Rev. M.B., M.A.   of Hingham
	Gurdon    B., Esq.
	Howes     James
	Wodehouse Lord

This is the list of the tradespeople and the most prominent residents.

	Bush      Thomas            victualler, Lion
	Coleman   Agnes             schoolmistress
	Lain      Samuel            beerhouse
	Smithson  John              blacksmith
	Stone     Taylor Phœnix     thatcher
	Taylor    Thomas            parish clerk
	Watts     Chas.             corn dealer & shopkeeper


	Allison   Thomas C.         Phœnix    William
	Bush      Thomas            Stone     Taylor P.
	Coleman   Warner            Sewell    Stephen
	Lain      James             Turner    Jerh. & John
	Matthews  James             Wade      John


	Haythorp  John
	Turner    John

See also the Hackford (near Wymondham) parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
March 2016