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Norfolk: Dunston

Census: 1841

The National Archives (was PRO) reference is HO/107/777/5

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

Surname Index

The following surnames are contained in the document. The numbers following each are the Page number which contain one or more occurences of the name.

Andrews (p13)
Arkwright (p10)
Baily (p12)
Baldwin (p12)
Balls (p11)
Barham (p14)
Benjefield (p10)
Brighten (p12)
Brown (p10)
Carpenter (p12)
Clitheroe (p10)
Colins (p10)
Cullum (p13)
Dady (p10,p13)
Fish (p13)
Fontain (p12)
Gowen (p12)
Gull (p14)
Haggard (p10)
Horn (p12)
Hunboy (p10)
Jackson (p12)
Lambet (p11)
Laws (p12)
Lingwad (p11)
Long (p10)
Macey (p11)
Nuds (p11)
Simonds (p12)
Smith (p10)
Timbers (p10)
Tindal (p10)
Turrel (p13)
Wacey (p11)
Wenn (p10)
Wickham (p10)
Wright (p10)
Yallop (p10)

The Census

Page 10 - F(olio) 2
PLACE Un In Names Age/
S, I
or F
Dunston1Robert Kellett Long35IndY
Egester Wickham60Farming BailifY
Sarah Do65Wife of DoY
Ann Jane Do15Niece of DoY
Mary Ann Colins30Female servantY
Susan Clitheroe20DoY
Thomas Haggard20Male servantY
Antony Brown13Male servantY
1James William Wenn40ClergymanN
Margaret Elisabeth Do35Wife of DoN
James Binjefield Do10Son of DoN
Rosa Merila Do  2Daughter of DoY
Emmer Hamilton Do  1DoY
Ros De La Benjefield35IndN
Thomas William Tindal15PupilN
Julier Arkwright15DoN
Batavius Richard Hunboy111DoN
James Timbers20Male ServantY
Sarah Smith20Female DoY
Phabe Yallop20Do DoY
Elisabeth Wright15Do DoY
1Samuel Dady60LaborerY
Emily Dady20Assistant to ParentY
William Do20son of Do servantY
TOTAL in }
  Page 10   }
[see Note 2]
Page 11 - F(olio) 3
DunstonWilliam Lingwad40LaborerY
Ann Do40Wife of LaborerY
Robert Do15son of Do, LabrY
John Do14Do, Son? of LaberY
Hannah Do13DauY
Sarah Do11DoY
Edward Do10son of DoY
Susan Do  6Daughter of DoY
Elinar Do  4DoY
William Do  2son of DoY
Mirian Do11mDaughter of DoY
John Nuds25LaborerY
Hariet Nuds25Wife of DoY
Jane Do  5Daughter of DoY
John Do  4son of DoY
Hariet Do18mDaughter of DoY
James Balls50FarmerY
Cathrine Do45Wife of DoY
James Do10son of DoY
Catherine Do13Daughter of DoY
Mary Ann Do10DoY
Feby M/W?acey20VisitorY
Samuel Lambet60LaborerY
Sarah Do60Wife of DoY
TOTAL in }
  Page 11   }
Page 12 - F(olio) 3
Dunston1Charles Brighten50GardenerY
Hannah Do50Wife of DoY
Hannah Do20School MistressY
Robert Do15ButcherY
John Horn80Laborer ? L??Y
1Jeremiah Laws40GardenerY
Elisabeth Do40Wife of DoY
John Do15Under GardeY
George Do  8son of DoY
James Do  4DoY
1Robert Carpenter80FarmerY
Robert Do35son of Do DoY
Mary Ann Baily40ServantY
John Baldwin18Male DoY
1Robert Simonds32GardenerY
Barbary Do28Wife of DoY
James Fontain  5VisitorY
1John Gowen30LaborerY
Hannah Do30Wife of DoY
MalimdinDo  3Daughter of DoY
Samuel Do11Son ofY
1Simon Jackson68LaborerY
Simon Do35son of DoY
Elisabeth Do35Wife of DoY
TOTAL in }
  Page 12   }
Page 13 - F(olio) 4
Dunston1John Andrews25LaborerY
Marian Do20Wife of DoY
William Do  4Son of DoY
Daniel Do  3Do DoY
Charles Do  1Do DoY
1Robert Cullum35LaborerY
Elisabeth Do30Wife of DoY
James Do10Son of DoY
Elisabeth Do  8Daughter of DoY
Mary Ann Do  6Do DoY
+[see below]
Gorge Do  2son of DoY
1John Dady25LaborerY
Sarah Do25Wife of DoY
1John Turrel40LaborerY
Elisabeth Do45Wife of DoY
Elisabeth Do17Daughter of DoY
Emily Do11DoY
William Do20son of Do LaborY
John Do14son of DoY
1John Fish60IndY
Susanah Do60Wife of DoY
omitted +Robert Cullum  4Y
TOTAL in }
  Page 13   }
513  9
Page 14 - F(olio) 4
Dunston1Wm Barham40 LaborerY
Mariann Do30Wife of DoY
Do Do18Dress MakerY
Mikel Do13Son of DoY
Henry Do12DoY
William Do10DoY
Emmar Do  5Y
1John Gull50LabourerY
Sarah Do50Wife of DoY
Wm. Do19LabourerY
Marian Do16Daughter of DoY
John Gull  7Son of DoY
Hannah Do  6Daughter of DoY
41 Occ
  Page 14   }
  2  7  6
Page No Inhabited
Building Males Females
Total on Page 10    3  12  12
Total on Page 11    4  10  14
Total on Page 12    6  16  8
Total on Page 13    5  13  9
Total on Page 14    2    7    6

Totals  20  58  49

Total of Persons 107

[End of Census Document]


See also the Dunston parish page and the main Census page

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If you use this information in your research, please say that it is from Genuki Norfolk.

Copyright © Mike Bristow.
February 2002