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Norfolk: Denton

Hunt's Directory of East Norfolk with Part of Suffolk, 1850

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

DENTON is a village 16 miles S. of Norwich, and 4½ miles N.E. of Harleston. The parish comprises 2434 acres, and contained in 1841, 625 inhabitants; its present residents are:-

	Bouverie     Rev. William
	               Arundell, B.D.  rectory
	Browse       Charles           shoemaker
	Bryant       Sarah             school
	Buck         Mr. James
	Burgess      Edward            grocery dealer
	Button       William           miller
	Davis        Mr. James         (indp. minister)
	Delf         Daniel            blacksmith
	Delf         Thomas            'King's Head'
	Gibbs        Fanny             school
	Gibbs        S. and W.         shoemakers
	Middleton    Wm.               veterinary surgeon
	Pallant      William           tailor
	Sandby       Rev. George       Denton Lodge
	Simonds      Humphrey          grocery dealer
	Stiggles     James             grocery dealer
	Umphelby     Chas. Esq.        Denton House


	Bowler       Benjamin          Holland     William
	Butcher      John              Howes       John Rayner
	Chambers     William           Middleton   Charles
	Chittleburgh William           Middleton   John
	Corneby      Wales             Paine       John
	Felmingham   William           Whitton     Catharine
	Ferrall      James             Wolterton   Robert
	Hardingham   James             Wolterton   William
	Haywood      Charles

See also the Denton parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
January 2007