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Norfolk: Ashwellthorpe

William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1864

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

This is the list of the tradespeople and the most prominent residents.

	  Wilson    Major-General
	              Sir Archdale,
	              Bart., K.C.B.    Ashwellthorpe Hall

	  Bunn      William            joiner and carpenter
	  Colman    Robert             watch and clock maker
	  Elliott   Robert             victualler, White Horse
	  Harvey    Mrs Ann and
	              Miss Charlotte
	  Harvey    George             victualler, King's Head
	  Howe      Emma               mistress, National School
	  Humphreys Rev. Francis       curate
	  Muskett   William            parish clerk
	  Watts     Philip             gardener


	  Austin    Thomas
	  Briggs    William
	  Day       Sarah              (and wheelwright)

	  * Are Owners.

	  Brown     Charles W.
	  Brown     Charles, jun
	* Brown     Edward
	  Chapman   Ann
	* Green     Charles
	  Harvey    Chas. Watts
	  Harvey    Robert
	  Mayes     Thomas
	  Rix       Hy.                (& brcklyr)
	  Watson    William


	  Brown     Thos.              (and beerhouse)
	  Howlett   James
	  King      Geo.               (& baker)

See also the Ashwellthorpe parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
June 2007