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Norfolk: Acle - 1820-1 - Surveyors' Rate

Each parish after the great Highways Act of 1555 was responsible for the repair of the roads within its boundaries. This Act with later modifications was in force until a new one in 1835.

Every person who occupied land or kept horses etc. had to provide some of the following:- days of labour, carts etc. People who occupied houses and cottages had also to provide labour in some form either as unpaid labour by themselves or others.

In later years this was commuted to a Surveyors' Rate upon the inhabitants which was then spent repairing its highways. The main roads also saw the introduction of turnpike trusts where those that used them paid for their maintenance.

For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.

This is one item from Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference PD 164/41 and microform MF962/12] and is from the Surveyors' account book (1820-1839) and is the rate for the year 1820-1.

Other accounts available

- Churchwardens' Accounts -
Rates 1831-2
- Overseers' Accounts -
Rates 1794 1809-10
Payments 1794 1816
- Surveyors' Accounts -
Rates 1820-21 1826
Payments 1820-1822 1827-1836

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

An Account of the Composition Recd by B H Baker Surveyor from Michaelmas 1820 to 1821.

Note that only the names and amount paid are given here.

Occupiers Names £ s d
Mr Boult4/17/6
Mr Wells4/15/0
Mr Heath2/5/0
H N Burroughes Esqr2/6/0
Rev Davey1/0/0
Mr Bond1/3/6
Mr Clarke  10/6
Lord Calthorpe1/0/0
Mr Maddison1/12/0
Mr Pierson  13/0
Mr Tuthill (Rent)  15/0
Mr Boardman  14/6
Mr Sword  9/6
Mr Green  5/0
Jno Blake Esqr2/10/0
Mr Bullock  14/0
Mr Lowden  8/0
Mr Gillett  1/6
Mr Utting  16/0
Miss Bass6/6/0
Mr Watson  16/6
Mr Furrance  7/0
Mr Moore  6/6
Mr Slipper  5/0
Miss Shingles  12/0
Mr Crow  6/0
Mr Shingles1/0/0
Mr England  6/6
Mr Sibel  13/6
Mr J Clarke  10/0

Mr W Boult1/3/6
Mr Kerrison5/17/6
Mr Fowler  4/6
Miss M Shingles  7/0
J J Tuck Esqr  18/0
Mr Present  11/-
Mr Goodings  8/-
Mr Evans  11/-
Mrs Leigh  5/-
Mr Norton  13/6
Mr Russels  7/-
Mr Reynolds  14/-
Mr W Mitchell  8/-
Mr Walne  9/-
Mr S Fowler  6/-
Rec'd from Mr Start due at Nov 181910/4/6


[End of Document]

See also the Acle parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
November 2008