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Norfolk: Acle - 1794 - Overseers' Rate

Acle raised money at various times, to either support its poor (from the Overseers' Rate) or to pay for other parish expenses (from the Churchwardens' Rate). This rate was levied on the occupiers (who may not have owned the land) and based upon the value of the property (which was usually a rental valuation). Both occupiers and owners are found living in and outside the parish.

For more information on these records see the Parish Accounts page.

This is one item from a Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference PD 164/25 and microform MF599/21] containing the Overseers' accounts for 1794-1806. Note that only names and valuations have been extracted and more information can be found on the original.

Other accounts available

- Churchwardens' Accounts -
Rates 1831-2
- Overseers' Accounts -
Rates 1794 1809-10
Payments 1794 1816
- Surveyors' Accounts -
Rates 1820-21 1826
Payments 1820-1822 1827-1836

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

An assessment made by Joseph Birt for raising his disbursements for the necessary relief of the Poor of the Parish of Acle in the County of Norfolk for ½ a year ending at Michaelmas 1794 at the rate of 3/10(d) in the Pound.

[Occupiers Names] [Valuation]
  £  s
The Revd Mr Browne1610
John Saul for Mrs L Estrange56  0
Ditto for the Lawns4010
John Leath1815
Ditto for late Pawsey  5  0
Genl Wigg for Sir Henry96  0
Ditto for Blunts hole  315
John Neave for Sir Henry7710
Geo Baker for Ditto85  0
Ditto for his own  415
{ Do for Mr Bonbee's and Land
{ late in the occupation of Mr Bonbee
Henry Riches for his own1910
Do for late Mrs Knights1515
Arthur Neave  910
Do for Blunts hole  315
Do for Butchers shop  1  0
Do for Sir Henry  4  0
Samuel Bonbee  310
Edwd Shingles  9  0
Joseph Birt12  0
Do for Sir Henry  5  0
William Nokes  6  0
Do for Lands  3  0
Mrs Pawsey  5  0
Thomas Shingles  9  0
Robt Morris  5  0
Mr Wigg  3  5
James Bunton  5  0
Saml Mallett  5  0
John Bane  410
Do for the Mill  5  0
- Thompson  4  5
[Sub-total]567  5
    [New page]
Hannah Fitter  4  0
Saml Blade  3  5
Gilbert Leigh  115
Robt Spendlove  210
John Russels  210
Geo: England  210
Wm Harrison  2  0
Danl Shingles  115
Bunn & Thurgate  2  0
Robt Daniels  210
John Bird  110
Wm Smith  1  0
Edmd Hodds  110
Jackson & Rivett  2  0
John Fimby  110
Robt Blunderfield  210
Benj: Browne  110
John Pitts  1  5
Joseph Jermy  1  0
Wm Wilkins  1  0
James Hayton  1  5
Wm Felmingham  1  5
James Curtis  1  5
James Manthorp  210
Jacob Hunn  3  0
Thomas Moore  3  0
John Fowler  3  0
Mr Ballard  3  0
Henry Sharman  3  0
John Smith  210
Joshua Smith  1  0
Wm Browne  1  5
James Evans  1  0
Robt Riches  1  0
East Marshes
Mr Wm Shank3710
Henry Gilbert  7  5
Edwd Green25  0
John Saul20  0
[Sub-total]724  0
    [New page]
- Gave  710
Benj. Cubitt  5  0
- Slipper  710
James Wigg  9  5
- Galer  7  0
Messrs Skip & Wells30  0
Wm Boult21  0
Benj: Harrison  6  0
Out Setters
Burkin Burroughs Esq11  0
Ditto late Smith  3  5
Ditto late Plummer  110
Ditto late Artis  2  5
Ditto Ditto  410
Wm Towler  310
Robt Ellis  110
Saml Woods  8  5
Robt Whaites10  0
Isaac Docking  210
John Mitchell  210
[Total]879  0

[End of Document]

See also the Acle parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
November 2008