The maps are based on the Norfolk Record Office Parish Map (6mb pdf)
Individual Hundreds |
Blofield Brothercross Clackclose Clavering Depwade Diss Earsham Erpingham North Erpingham South Eynsford East Flegg and West Flegg |
Forehoe Freebridge Lynn Freebridge Marshland Gallow Greenhoe North Greenhoe South Grimshoe Guiltcross Happing Henstead Holt |
Humbleyard Launditch Loddon Mitford Shropham Smithdon Taverham Tunstead Walsham Wayland |
Map showing all Norfolk Hundreds |
These parish maps are included for completeness, but they are not hundreds. Borough of King's Lynn County of the City of Norwich Borough of Thetford Borough of Great Yarmouth |
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Copyright © Pat Newby.
March 2015