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Norfolk: Church Records

Parish Accounts

This is a brief overview of the main Parish Accounts to be found covering the period 1597-1837. For more information see the reference section.

There are a number of parish records which (where they have survived) can help to show the social structure and administrative organisation of each parish. The records which are described here are those from 1597 which taxed the occupiers and then the money was generally spent in the parish. The following refer mostly to the period up to 1837 although some continued unaltered until well beyond this date.

Parishes elected officials including the posts of Churchwarden, Overseer, Constable and Surveyor who had the task of collecting, spending and then getting their accounts accepted. For information about the duties of these officials see the descriptions at the National Archives.

These records include :-

Churchwardens' accounts.

Overseers' accounts.

These officials raised money to relieve the poor who were settled in the parish.

Surveyors' (also called Waywardens') accounts.

Constables' accounts.



Cannan, Edwin.
History of Local rates in England
Tate, W. E.
The Parish Chest
[ISBN:0 85033 507 8, Cambridge University Press, 3rd ed. 1983]

See also Church Records

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
March 2009