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Norfolk Church Records
Baptisms, Marriages and Burials

See these leaflets produced by the Norfolk Record Office:

Most parishes have deposited their older registers of baptisms, banns, marriages and burials at the Norfolk Record Office (NRO) in Norwich, which also holds Bishop's and Archdeacons' Transcripts. Records for some parishes in the west of the county are at the Wisbech and Fenland Museum (parishes in the deaneries of Lynn Marshland and Wisbech) or the Cambridgeshire Record Office (Welney parish).

Nonconformist registers have been deposited at the National Archives, near London. Many have been microfilmed and are available at libraries, record offices and LDS centres.

For Catholic records see:
    Gandy, Michael
Catholic Missions and Registers 1700-1880.
Volume 2, The Midlands and East Anglia.
[ISBN 0952053527, 1993]

Microform copies of original registers, transcripts, indexes, etc, are quite widely available. See the list below for more information.

See also Norfolk Church Records

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
February 2010

Baptisms, Banns, Marriages and Burials


Baptisms and Marriages

Marriage Licence Bonds

