Norfolk: Genealogy: email to Mike Bristow
- The various Norfolk pages to which my name is attached
are believed to be correct.
- Other pages on Norfolk will be added in time.
Errors will be corrected asap.
- I regret but I am NOT able to help with your family tree problems.
Please see "Further Research pointers" below where there are lookup
contacts, mailing lists etc. I respond privately to questions placed
on the newsgroups and Norfolk genealogy lists only
if I am able to help. Your questions
have much more chance of success when viewed by a large number of people.
This is particularly true for the specific county lists.
- I would be pleased to receive messages about any of the
Norfolk Genealogy pages for which I am responsible.
This might be additional information, updates or corrections. In
all cases please quote the original reference document where the
facts were found.
- My electronic mail address is [remove the double quotes]
"mcbristow" followed by the AT symbol
Further Research pointers
Other pages which may answer your questions are :-
- the Norfolk pages
- or information for the whole country in the
GENUKI pages (the UK and Ireland Genealogy Service)
- or sending a message to the
soc.genealogy.britain usenet news group
- or advertising by non-members in the
Norfolk Ancestor (see Journals under sitemap).
- or requesting help from
Norfolk Genealogists.
- or joining the
Norfolk Surnames List run
to put people (anyone can submit details) in touch who are
researching the same surnames.
One does not have to be a member of any FHS, you just need an
email address.
- or see Norfolk FHS pages
- or see Mid-Norfolk FHS pages
All of the web pages for Genuki Norfolk and the Norfolk FHS
are copyright. This includes (and is not restricted to)
the text, the images, the layout of the pages, and the underlying code.
It also applies to transcriptions when the original works are out of
copyright, because in this case it is the transcription that is copyright,
not the text.
Permission is granted to link to the pages from other web sites, and to
download or print pages for personal use, provided that Genuki Norfolk,
or the Norfolk FHS are mentioned as the source,
and all included attributions, including the author's name, are retained.
Note that no one may take a copy of a page and put it online, in whole or
in part, or in a modified form. We are able to recognise pages, even when
the headers, footers and copyright notices have been removed, and we take
action against people who infringe copyright.
Personal details
I am a member of the Norfolk Family History Society and the Society
of Genealogists. In time I will expand the list of my own Personal Names
being researched but am to busy helping to develop this site
at present.
I hope you have found the information so far available useful.
Mike Bristow
April 2011
Names in which I have a research interest:
- Bristow - 1750-1900 in Missenden area,Bucks,ENG
- Cryer - 1800-1900 in Littleborough,Lancs,ENG
- McCartney - pre 1865 in Manchester,Lancs,ENG